Monday, July 13, 2009

Long Read - Harper's Biggest Shock!

The mystery of the gruesome killing was finally unveiled during the season finale of Harper's Island. I still cannot believe that the killer of those gruesome manslaughter was someone who was so innocent-looking that no one seem to suspect him. For those who watch it on last Sunday.. Yes.. Henry was the killer and accomplice of Wakefield.. Yes.. He is Wakefield's son.. Yes..! Yes..! That makes him Abby's half-brother and yet he was so in love with her..

Because of this blind love, Henry turn to violence to fulfil his dream of living with Abby alone without any human being's presence.. I seriously pity Trish.. All the love showered on her was fake.. She was just the scapegoat for Henry to achieve his dream of uniting with his childhood sweetheart, Abby.. Henry seems to be blinded by love that he cannot think rationally and ended up killing all those innocent people who were there to celebrate his so-called marriage.. The director and editor and the whole crew for Harper's Island really did a wonderful job.. They managed to keep the plot turning and twisting while making the audience finger's pointing to every direction available.. Initially I thought Jimmy was the killer too as Henry managed to cunningly put the blame on Jimmy.. Towards the end of this show, I can't help having divided feelings for Henry.. One part of me was really furious and can't believe Henry was capable and could commit those killings.. And yet another part of me pity him.. He did all these just so he could be united with the person he really love.. His love for Abby was so strong which made him gullible enough to follow Wakefield's instructions to kill.. Love is definitely blind.. Even in real life, lovers could turn to killers just because they are jealous.. Love is definitely dangerous..

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