Sunday, February 22, 2009

Quick Update - Picture this

Quick Update - Frustrated??

How do you feel when all your efforts and hardwork turns out futile?? Frustrated?? That's how I'm feeling right now.. I've been trying to make some updates and it turns out to be useless.. Why You might be asking? Well.. It seems that the Network is playing prank on me.. HAHA.. Sound absurd right? Tonight of all night.. The updates turn out rubbish and what I'm trying to put in are not turning out as they should be.. I'm really mad right now..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quick Update - Salman Khan's new movie

Im waiting patiently for this new movie to be release.. It'l be Salman's first action packed movie after so long.. Can't wait to see some kicking!

This other movie is one of my favourite Salman's action packed movie.. Soniye is one of my favourite songs..

Quick Update - Crazy About You

Quick Update - February

Its been eons since I last update.. How time flies.. Now, my attachment programme has also ended.. I didn't even reaise 6 months have past.. It only seems as if I just started my programme last month..

The NEXT BIG step.. The next thing now.. Hmm, I've decided to further my studies.. Hopefully I got into the course that I really want.. There's a lot of choices out there.. I realise we have decisions to make every now and then.. No matter how big or small that decision is, it will surely affect us in our life later on..