Sunday, November 30, 2008

Long Read - Charlie And Me

This lazy afternoon, I had nothing to do.. Hence, I decided to watch TV and I chanced upon a movie that was playing.. At first glance, I thought it was another children theme movie.. Since there was nothing else to watch, I continue watching this movie, Charlie And Me. It turns out to be a good movie and I felt satisfied and relieved that I watched it till the end. This movie taught me a lot about life which I tend to miss. Its about the close relationship between a grandfather, Charlie and his grandchild, Casey. Casey shares a very close bond with Charlie since her dad is occupied with his work all the time. Charlie taught Casey how to live the world shares thoughts and reflections with Casey, a very smart girl. The story starts to happen after she saved Charlie when he had a heart attack. Despite being a very young girl, Casey took a very important decision for her Gramp by refusing to give permission to the doctor on the pretext of her dad's instruction. Since then, Casey spends quality time with Charlie and learn many valuable lesson from her lovely grandfather. At a glance, it seems that Casey's dad is a very typical busy dad who's too occupied with his work to spen any time with his child. Instead, he is keeping himself busy in order to forget the reality that his wife has died. Its been 8 years since Casey's mom death but her dad refuses to embrace reality. He gave the role of taking care of Casey to Charlie. However, Charlie knew his time is running out and he wants his son to start accepting the fate. This movie is a very touching story which teaches me many life learning lessons. The ending is sad but it relays the message that everyone will die when their time is up. I was really moved by this movie and I would regret it if I didn't watch it to the end.

Here's some lessons I learned from this heart warming movie:
1) When you have stage fright, just take a deep breath, relax and find a familiar and kind eyes. Speak to that person as if she/he is the only person there.(I learnt this from someone, somewhere before and it really helps.)

2) Don't mourn a person's death. Instead, imagine what it would be like if you have one more day to live with that person. It would make you smile.

3)Never belittle a person's age. Sometimes, a younger person might be wiser than an older person even if the older person might be an expert.

In summary, Charlie And Me is really good movie..

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