Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Quick Read - Is it regret?

I've been mentally drafting many blogpost in my mind lately but never had the time to really sit down and type them away. 

Even my twitter timeline is missing my random thoughts and feelings. All you see nowadays are reviews about films or shows I have watched or food photos. It is as if I no longer have the capacity or ability to put my feelings out there. Or maybe I just could not care. It is not as if anyone would miss that part of me. 

Anyway, I have been thinking a lot if I regret things. It is not healthy to do so and even frowned upon. But if I am being true, I do not exactly regret as there is not much I can do about it now. Everything had happened in the past. I do not have the superpower to turn back time anyway. Even if I do, maybe it is best not to disrupt the timeline. Do not digress. So I was thinking maybe not regret. It is more towards what would have happened. What would have happened if I had chosen a different path? If I had been more outgoing? If we had respond to an incident differently? Would things turn out better? Or worse?