Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Quick Update - Fireworks


Hope you enjoyed the visuals of the above fireworks taken not long ago during National Day 2017.

I personally feel like each shot is precious. If you look closely, it somehow shows the process of the fireworks before they burst in the sky.

Quick Update - Same Place Different View

Looked through some of the pictures that I have taken in the past and noticed some kind of similarity.

Scroll down and see the pictures for yourself.

Blinding sunlight - usually near evening time
On a bright and sunny day

Colourful canvas nearing sunset which I think I have yet to capture the best yet.

The blink and you will miss the moment kind of canvas.

It has been some time now since I love looking up to the skies. Started with the clouds, it slowly became the sky, the sun, the moon. Basically, the nature and its beauty which are being presented to us. It is always up to us if we choose to notice them or not. 

Sometimes I do wonder what is it with my obsession with the sky.

Am I looking up the sky in the hope of finding some kind of message nature has to offer..?

I will never know.