Thursday, August 24, 2017

Quick Update - Ending August 2017

7 more days and it will no longer be August. 7 more days which means 1 week.

1 week from now and I will no longer be in CBD.

From working mostly in CBD ever since I started joining the real workforce, my new work place will soon be somewhere in the West neighbourhood.

The good thing, it will be so much nearer from my home to work.

The bad thing, plenty. First, it was not my decision. Second, it is not something that I am keen to do.

In fact, I am not even resigning. Though the system at work reflected the status as "Employee Resigned".

I shall end this post here. There is in fact a short summary of the restructuring /redeployment story behind the big shift from CBD to West which I had typed on my notepad in my phone. While typing that, my intention was to save the order of events in chronological order. Somehow the summary included my feelings on the restructuring /redeployment as well. Probably I might edit this post and include that summary later on. We'll see.