Thursday, February 25, 2016

Long Read - Twenty-Seven

Quiet, reserved and introvert. These are the words people would described her if they do not know her. She does not disagree. She does take her time to warm up to people. But once she is comfortable, she will be quite a chatterbox.

Left school few years back and she has since resume her studies and now she's working on getting her degree program.

At her current age, she saw that most of her peers and relatives of similar age settling down, settled down with children. Sometimes she feels like she's ....

Although there might have been some achievements during her past years, sometimes she felt as if she has not yet achieved anything major in her life yet.

Is it weird that a 27 years old woman still watches Disney shows sitcom and enjoys them, still loves to have cereals with milk, enjoys eating pancakes soaked with maple syrup and has a terribly sweet tooth?

One side of her wants to be all proper and adult yet the other side of her still enjoys being a child, jokes around and be all silly at times.

She still has no asset, not yet financially stable, have not yet settled down unlike her peers of similar age who has settled down, start a family and have children, still struggling, juggling school and work. Did I mention she's back at school again attempting to chase her dreams?

At times she wonder if she is acting her age. Sometimes she realised she acts way beyond her actual age, overly mature for her age and this fact was confirmed by some of her peers.

She live life as it is, setting some goals here and there and tries to achieve her dreams and goals.

Is this how reaching 30 feels like?