Sunday, December 8, 2013

Long Read - Some review

Continuation from my previous post...

So I've finished watching Cinta Jannah yesterday at 3am! Yay!! *happy dance*

The last few episodes made me cry and question this and that.. Something I shouldn't have done before watching it but I did it anyway was to read few reviews of Cinta Jannah.
While watching the last few episodes, those comments and reviews I read previously came playing at the back of my mind..

So Jannah and Izaryl were reunited after being separated for 9 years.. Happy endings! :D

Keseluruhan drama ini sangat bagus, cerita yang menarik tetapi banyak persoalan dibiarkan tanpa jawapan..


- Selama 9 tahun itu, tidakkah Jannah cuba untuk pulang ke kampungnya & berjumpa keluarganya?
- Tidakkah keluarga Jannah sesekali mencari Jannah?
- Adakah Aminah kembali bekerja dengan Izaryl?
- Papa Damia bermusuh dengan mama Izaryl tetapi kenapa mendiamkan diri dan hanya menjual tanah sebagai balasan? Rugi banyakkah syarikat Izaryl dengan penjualan tanah itu?
- Kenapa mama Izaryl, Tengku Puan jadi separti itu? Sakit angin ahmar?
- Watak kawan Izaryl dan kawan Jannah dibiarkan senyap setelah episod permulaan dan muncul di akhir-akhir untuk beberapa minit sahaja, kenapa?
- Kenapa sepanjang perkahwinan Jannah dan Izaryl, Izaryl tidak pernah cuba ingin tahu latar belakang Jannah, atau berkeras untuk menemui keluarga Jannah?
- Kenapa kakak Jannah benci sangat dengan Jannah?

Dapat dilihat dari atas banyak persoalan dibiarkan tergantung tanpa dijawab.. Walau bagaimana Cinta Jannah termasuk dalam senarai drama favourite saya!
Kenapa? Sebab Jannah dan Izaryl sangat comel dan sweet...

OST Cinta Jannah

So Cinta Jannah made me a fan of both Nelydia Senrose & Aeril Zafrel.

Nelydia and her sister Uqasha (that pretty mean girl in SSID) look so similar they can pass off as twins. Till today, I have difficulty telling them apart..

Coming to Aeril, before I watch Cinta Jannah I don't like this actor one bit. Why? He had the controversy of keeping his marriage to a fellow actress secretly and was later informed to the public.
But as I was watching Cinta Jannah, I kept thinking that they are both adult, they found love and got married. So why were they being punished? Just because they didn't announce they were married?
That's personal and if they wanted to keep it personal it was their every right. Anyways, I like his acting.. Next on my list will be 99 Kali Rindu which my brother strongly recommended as a very good film..

Till then..