Sunday, February 17, 2013

Long Read - It's Mid Feb 2023 already!

Oh my! How long have I not been here to write my thoughts or reflections? It's now 17 February 2013 and it's been a good Sunday so far...

Well, February is usually associated with that special day celebrated on the 14th. I've never celebrated it nor am I planning to anytime soon. There's no special one you see. Even if there is a special someone, I doubt 14th Feb would be celebrated any special than the rest of the other 364 days in the entire calendar.

So what have I been up to? I intended to further my studies but due to the circumstances etc, I've decided to put it on hold. Hopefully I'll be back to books and exams in 2014. Let's see how it goes..

2013 brought many changes to my work. Not to me personally but to my department. New TM team came on board.. Then my boss of 4 years left.. And soon a new boss will be coming on board with several others.. Many stories floating around but let's hope for the best shall we?

Going back to my no. 1 and forever obsession - SALMAN KHAN!!! How can I ever stop loving him I don't know.

Almost everyday I checked on him on twitter. I checked his photos on facebook. I googled news about him. I get sad and affected when I read bad or negative stories about him. I feel proud to be his fan when I read good news about him or if someone praised him. Kya karoon.. Our prem ki kahani started since I was 13 years old.. I can't really put a date to that exact moment when I really adored him and started to be his fan. What I remembered is I've always been exposed to Bollywood since young. Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Madhuri, Dil To Pagal Hain, Koyla... Maybe I knew SRK first before I was introduced to the person named Salman Khan. I started reading up about him since there were many negative stories being written about him. He was even called Bollywood Bad Boy! As I started reading up on him, I realised there's more layers to this man compared to what the media always wrote about him. Slowly and steadily I became pagal about him and now it's up in the open how much I love Salman Khan!

Everytime I thought the obsession and love has diminished, one look at the many photos of him or a quick look of his acting, the love and adoration start all over again!

I have love you then, still loving you now and will forever love you!