Monday, December 31, 2012

Quick Update - 2012 is coming to an end

In about one and a half hours time, we'll all enter into a brand new year 2013.
As much as I keep chanting "Brand New Year, Same Old Problem" to myself and people around me, I can't help feeling emotional about entering into a brand new year and leaving behind 365 days of 2012.

People often make resolutions for new year but I stop making it as I have never work towards any of my resolutions. For me, I live each day as it is and sometimes it does feel like its all a routine with no excitement happening in my daily life except some exciting moments courtesy from my workplace and the clients I deal with. But when I look at all the photos in Facebook, I must say I did had fun and had a meet-up with friends and colleagues. Maybe this is why I'm such a photo-hoarder. I like to keep pictures for memories.. I'm such an emo!

I just wish that 2013 will be a better year than what 2012 has been. Having said that, I'm not implying that 2012 has not been a good year. It has but I just hope that whatever happened in 2012, 2013 would just be a better year.

I earned my driving licence in September 2012 so that's something I can proudly say is my achievement in 2012. I hope to enroll into school and earn a degree in 2013.

Let's see..