Monday, October 15, 2012

Quick Update - Monday Blues

I for one seldom or rather I try not to think of Monday blues on every Mondays. Simple reason that is all days are equal and there is no such thing as a particular day being better or worse than another day. '

But today, I really feel the Monday Blueness biting me almost the whole day. I kept sighing which is not healthy and not supposed to be done, which most of the time was unintentional. I just had to SIGH to let it all out. It is somehow more of a psychological thing to just let out a sigh as to rally "LET IT ALL OUT".

I'm confusing myself as I try to explain the reason behind all that sighing..

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Long Read - Reflect back..

Listening to the piano can sooth one's soul.. That's what I felt when I listen to piano covers for Bollywood songs.. I can imagine being lull to sleep while the piano are being played in the background..

The two toilet doors were finally changed this afternoon! Yippee!! Still can't stop admiring them.. Hahaha! Especially when the colours we chose are blueish greenish..

Enough of all that..

I miss having a laptop.. I miss bringing it to school and have my fingers type on those keyboard.. I said this as if all this while I no longer type on the keyboard. LOL!
But seriously, the first time I own a laptop was because of study requirement in a poly. My course requires all students to each own a laptop for classes, assignments, projects, research, surfing the net during breaks, youtube-ing songs while having lunch.. The last two are not stated obviously. That's what we all do during our two to three or sometimes four hours break. That's how I improved on my typing skills I guess..

I was a late learner. I still remember when I was in Primary 3, we usually have computer lesson for either English or Math. Sometimes, when the teacher is on a good mood or if we have extra time to spare, we are allowed to surf the net. I, being the late learner opted to do touch-typing while the rest surf the net. That was me in Primary 3. It may have been the fact that we move house and I had to transfer school. My school when I was Primary 1 and 2 was not so advanced so I had no inkling how to surf the net at all. Not wanting to embarrassed myself asking the people around me how or what I can surf, I opted for a safe option. I even remember a teacher asking me if I was sure I wanted to do touch-typing instead of surfing the net like everyone else.. What a memory!

Coming back to the laptop.. I wasn't a great typist.. For FNN reports in secondary school, we did do some typing here and there and I think I took quite long to type as I need to find the letter I want first before I can hit it in order to form a word that later became a sentence and finally a report! Once I was in poly, we had lots of assignments and projects and obviously I can't take so long to type.. I obviously needed to brush up my typing skills and type faster. I can't really recall when exactly I started to type fast but Nilam or Joyo noticed it and told me I was typing at quite a fast pace.

Okay starting to drift away again.. Well I think I had quite a relationship with my laptop. Earlier we did not have internet connection at home except the dial-up which can't be used for laptop. So I end up staying back in school or came back to school on Saturdays just so I can do my research, save up the materials I needed and do up the assignments or project or whatever that needed to be done at home. Sometimes we had these quizzes we needed to do..

Okay.. Just had a moment of heart attack when suddenly prompt box came up saying I need to log in again. Thought I was going to lose what have all been typed previously.. All my memories..

So yeah.. Imagine scrambling to go to Macs or school or library just to do one quiz or research. Sometimes I stayed in the library from 9am to 2pm for to do research youtube-ing once in a while! :)] I have always prefer the library to Macs as it's more conducive and quiter.. And you have to at least order something when you sit at Macs. It wasn't always easy though to find seats at these public places.. That was why I would go out earlier so that I can choose the best area I wanted to stay for the next few hours.. In the library, Jurong library, I usually would sit at 2nd level, near to the escalator.. I didn't like sitting between or behind the shelves as it can be quite annoying if you want to slouch over your laptop and people would come by to pick some books. It's a public place afterall so I can't get angry with the people, can I?

Those were the days.. Slowly, we took up internet connection at home.. And I don't have to go out anymore to use the Internet! Heehee!!

The laptop stayed with me for 4 years and it went crazy.. You can still switch it on but the black screen would always come up again and again and you won't ever see your homepage. Been wanting to send it for repair but haven't had the calling yet. Belum ada seruan!! LOL