Monday, October 26, 2009

Quick Update

Bengang sungguh otakku hari ini.. Lain yang dirancang, lain yang jadi.. Entah dimana silapnya, apa yang kunantikan tidak kunjung tiba.. Ku dibiarkan termenung seorang diri.. Mengapalah engkau bermain-main denganku hari ini..? Cepatlah kau hadir supaya dapat aku berhenti berharap..

Update in 2019: Jiwangnya kau dulu 🤣 Sekarang pun masih jiwang tapi takde la terserlah gini hahahah

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Quick Update - What a Great View!

This was taken while I was at work with my colleagues.. Nice view right..

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Quick Update - Saturday

It's almost the end of October now.. How the time moves quickly is beyond my knowledge.. We must have been pretty occupied and busy with daily lives to take some time off to relax.. Some taxi uncles I met always seem cheerful and when I said how they managed to stay happy, most of them smiles and say "Life is too short. Why worry and make your day bored?" So I learnt from them to always be on a positive note and be happy.. :) But there are also some people who get agitated over small matter.. Sometimes I wish I could tell them off.. Hmm.. Life is full of different character.. That's what makes it so interesting..