Friday, August 21, 2009

Quick Update - Pyaar.. Ishq.. Mohabbat...

Pyaar.. Ishy.. Mohabbat.. Prem..

That are words which means love.. Love, Cinta, Kasih, Sayang..

LOVE is a simple word with only four letters but it carries a very deep meaning.. LOVE is a complicated matter.. There are so many different type of LOVE all around us.. There is motherly LOVE, fatherly LOVE, sibling's LOVE, LOVE to your country, LOVE to your religion.. And there is one LOVE which is the most common LOVE in this universe.. Love between two souls.. This LOVE thing is hard to comprehend.. People say LOVE makes you blind.. How true is this? I don't know as I have not entered the garden of LOVE yet..

Mein tumse pyaar karti hoon..
Aku cinta padamu..
Wo ai ni..
I LOVE you..
Humko tumse pyaar hai..

LOVE.. LOVE is in the air..

Quick Update - Arrival of Ramadhan

Come tomorrow, we will start our fasting month before Hari Raya arrives.. It is the month of patience and a month to control your urge.. Not able to eat and drink is only two of the other factors that are required during the fasting period..

Ramadhan is also the month where lots of delicious and yummy food can be seen in bazaar especially Geylang Serai.. The temptation to try each and every foodies is so strong during the fasting period.. But when it is time to break fast, all the temptation fly away.. Just like that.. And we end up throwing the food that we cannot consume.. It will be wasted..

Therefore, during this Ramadhan, let's try to control the urge and not be tempted..

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Quick Update - NDP 2009

We had so much fun watching NDP live.. It was exciting and happening.. The goodie bag for this year is quite different from the previous years.. This year bag can be either be a sling bag or tote bag.. The weather for that day was just right.. For me, the best part was when we get to see the army boys upclose.. Really feel proud..!

Quick Update - Bowling @ OCC

11th August 2009 - Bowling Competition.. Have to admit I'm a bad bowler.. Most went to the gutter.. Nevertheless, it was a great night out..