Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Quick Read 2020 - Not What We Imagined

2020. You have been a very different and challenging year. It is now May yet I forgot how the past months have been thanks to the worldwide pandemic that hit everyone hard and fast and definitely by surprise. 

Some countries went on total lockdown. For Singapore, we had the Circuit Breaker (CB) which started on 7 April and was expected to end on 4 May before it was extended and now the CB will end on 1 June 2020. 

With the CB in place, there has been plenty of changes to things that we used to do freely like:

- No more dining out
- No more window-shopping
- Except for F&B and essential services, all other businesses to close
- Must wear mask when you step out of the house
- And many more

The emptiness on a weekday with most stores closed

Additionally, we are observing Ramadan during CB which Hari Raya will fall on 24 May 2020 which is during CB. 

Because of CB, there is no Geylang Bazaar this year :( Likely no visiting on 1st day of Hari Raya as well :(

Grocery shopping also feels weird nowadays with all the precautions in place.
Scan before you can enter the mall
Get the ok-sticker first!

I just cannot wait for things to be back to normal..